New Yorkers for Clean, Livable, and Safe Streets (NYClass) is an organization working to keep New York City streets humane and clean. The community of dedicated activists and members have passionately advocated since its establishment in 2008 to end the enslavement of NYC carriage horses who face devastating danger when operating in busy city traffic.

Horses in NYC are still force chained up to painful metal bits and heavy carriages in the middle of extreme weather advisories. Recently, NYCLASS discovered an unwell horse commanded to pull a carriage with what appeared to be a very painful, serious leg condition.
According to an equine vet, the leg seemed to have not only “Fetlock Osteoarthritis, but probably suspensory branch desmitis.” Despite the illness, the horse had to continue working.
NYCLASS keeps calling on city officials to remove horses indefinitely from the city streets and send them to nearby sanctuaries where they can live the remainder of their lives in peace. Horses are sentient beings who do not belong in dangerous city traffic, but instead running wild and free.
The field to Freedom

The historic New York City package of animal rights legislation was passed by the New York City Council and signed into law by Mayor Bill de Blasio on November 25, 2019. In addition to NYCLASS’s signature Carriage Horse Heat Relief Bill, several other bills to protect animals and end abuse were signed into law. These include the Ban on the sale of cruel foie gras and the creation of the Nation’s first Office of Animal Welfare.
At the forefront of their mission, NYCLASS works to enact animal rights into legislation. This includes making sure that elected officials who take office are pro-animal rights.

The 501(c)(4) non-profit educates through grassroots efforts how to live more harmoniously with our animal brothers and sisters. Through street activism education, they act as a voice for the voiceless to bring awareness about the devastating conditions these animals are subjected to.
If you would like to donate to NYCLASS, please visit their website to learn more about how the contribution will go towards protesting cruelty right at the hackline. The organization educates New Yorkers and tourists about the real truth of abuse these horses face in the carriage business.
Donations help to enable the great work that goes into meeting with city officials and electing compassionate candidates into office. Every dollar serves the movement. Let freedom ring.